jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Industry of money and fraud in America: How to be rich as soon as possible ways to be a millionaire

                                                                  How to be rich

the asserance in America could be regarded laws which adopt in the constitutions of the remaining states, money and life insurance together, which is a clan the nld from the parents in the case of the rights of a particular incident, congratulated obliges the clan and the payment of diyah for the people of the victim both reached the crime the death or wounds and fractures require compensation and payment of medical expenses and other things that help the victim or his family to get the material as a result of such crime in America is the incident thus serve as resident parents clan per capita average citizen recently came to the United States of America alike

Break a Shabbat sermon within your column backbone or kill your child and become a millionaire one stateside

game collect money quickly is through the occurrence of fractures in the backbone or one of the ribs or vertebrae and up things in some of the incidents to the fractures in the bone of the skull the more eloquent fractions whenever the financial compensation the largest dots in accordance with the law of the insurance process, and that most of the injuries caused by car accidents in the United States of America be large compared with other countries such as Britain and other countries of the world and the greatest rewards in the case of abortion drag-and-drop during pregnancy when creating an incident confrontational with another vehicle or crash into the power pole or the collision of a tree or even in the wall of the initial compensation up to a million dollars sometimes

if you want a large compensation work accident in the industrial state

of law in America for compensation differs from the mandate of the second, for example in the state of California, is different from the law in Chicago, and New York as well as in the state of Kansas, the state of Florida, Georgia, on the other mandates of the more sophisticated and advanced industrial mandate at all levels, compensation is higher than the United States, which feature its airspace for the rural and agricultural character of the some of the expatriates of fabricating the accident after traveling to one of the industrial states to ensure greater financial happened with Mr. Rashid, the Iraqi who turned to millionaire after he lost his wife and her fetus who did not see the light of life after the arson incident in the state of New York, where the amount of compensation to the million a 200,000 US dollars and then returned to open the biggest car show in the state of New Mexico

Types of insurance in the United States of America
it is well known that immigrants and residents of the country's indigenous people know very well that the insurance company in America is divided into two parts:
the first section of the sections of the Full coverage
this section is the source of the industry of money and fraud in America, and in this section the الأنشورنز compensation of the person driving the vehicle, and with him the price of the original vehicle as well as the amounts of the other male, up to tens of thousands of courses if injuries were seriously injured as well as to pay all the expenses of treatment either doctor physical therapy or a doctor massages or nerves in addition to paying the expenses of medicine companies are to participate through the payment of MP

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